Registering an LLC in Poland can be a very different experience depending on the type of process you start with. Here are simple step-by-step instructions for both methods of registering your business.
Application to court for registration by document
This is the “traditional” way of registering a company. inorder To register a company in this way, you must:
1. Prepare all paper registration documents (signed by shareholders or board members). These documents include:
Company pact,
*List of shareholders and their addresses,
*List of persons authorized to appoint members of the management board,
*List of corporate officers (members of the management board),
*Authorization to become a member of the management board of directors,
*Declaration of all members of the board of directors at The contribution of share capital is fully covered,
*indicates whether the company is foreign and owns real estate in Poland.
2. Visit to a Polish notary to sign the business contract. This obliges all shareholders to go to a notary in Poland – a step that cannot be done abroad. In addition, you must have a sworn interpreter present at the notarial meeting if a shareholder does not speak Polish.
3. Prepare the application form and submit it electronically through the PRS portal (
4. File all paper copies and Submit all hardcopies to the registration court.
Apply to court for registration electronically in the electronic system s24
This is a simpler option for registering a company and is currently preferred over the more ‘traditional’ method of registration. It does not require access to a notary.
In addition, if the shareholders/managers have trust files or qualified electronic signatures, the whole process can be done entirely remotely without traveling to Poland.
To register a business in this way, you must:
1. obtain a PESEL number and a Trusted Profile signature or a qualified electronic signature.
2. Prepare all documents for registration in the s24 system ( and sign them with an electronic signature. These documents include:
*Company pact,
*List of shareholders and their addresses,
*List of persons authorized to appoint members of the management board,
*List of corporate officers (members of the management board),
*Authorization to become a member of the management board of directors,
*Declaration of all members of the board of directors at The contribution of share capital is fully covered,
*indicates whether the company is foreign and owns real estate in Poland.
3. Prepare the application form and submit it in the s24 system.
The two procedures described above also differ significantly in terms of cost and time. You can find more information about that right here.
Registering a business can be a very daunting task and if not done correctly can cause you a lot of trouble down the road and in the future. Therefore, it is always highly recommended to let a lawyer handle the process and all related documents.